Propinquity output documentation. The top-level docs are here.

The cleaned_ott directory contains the results of pruning OTT version 3.2draft9 so that the root is 93302 and the taxa flagged with the following flags were removed:

Next step: Choose exemplars for tips in phylogenies that are mapped to higher taxa. See ../exemplified_phylo/index.html.

Results: A taxonomy with a total of 3942770 nodes. 3676264 of these are leaves and 266506 internal nodes.

The cleaned_ott.tre file in this directory contains a newick representation of this taxonomy (download newick).

The following table lists the number of OTT Ids pruned by the combination of flags that caused the pruning. We don't list each of the OTT Ids here because the list is extremely long and can make your browser hang. The cleaned_ott.json file in this directory contains the list of pruned Ids (download cleaned_ott.json).

Combination of flags# of nodes pruned
barren 1
barren,hidden 2
barren,hidden,inconsistent 1
barren,hidden,inconsistent,major_rank_conflict 1
barren,hidden,major_rank_conflict 29
barren,hidden,major_rank_conflict,merged 4
barren,hidden,merged 4
barren,hidden,was_container 8
barren,hybrid 2
barren,inconsistent 18
barren,inconsistent,major_rank_conflict 2
barren,major_rank_conflict 11
barren,major_rank_conflict,merged 1
barren,merged 3
barren,not_otu,was_container 8
barren,was_container 1
empty-after-higher-taxon-tip-prune 37
environmental 2
environmental,hidden 73
environmental,hidden,not_otu 25
environmental,inconsistent 14
environmental,inconsistent,not_otu 9
environmental,merged 2
environmental,merged,not_otu 2
environmental,not_otu 36
environmental,not_otu,was_container 1
hidden 11
hidden,inconsistent 8
hidden,major_rank_conflict 13
hidden,merged 2
hidden,not_otu 6
hidden,was_container 8
higher-taxon-tip 2188
hybrid 1
hybrid,not_otu 2
hybrid,not_otu,was_container 1
inconsistent 30
inconsistent,not_otu 1
major_rank_conflict 2
major_rank_conflict,merged 2
merged 1
merged,not_otu 1
not_otu 9
not_otu,viral 3
not_otu,was_container 1
was_container 4